
Day 70 MAY 9, 2011 Total Mileage: 2,841 Today: 68 miles

Switched things up today… Cycled from Oak Spring, CA to El Centro, CA
With a wind advisory in effect (25-35 mph winds, WSW); I thought of taking the day off – being so close to the end, David was not in for that idea; so I started at the West end of today’s route.  Sounded good to me, gave me a great big down hill vs. up hill (2500 ft elevation drop in a very short distance)! 

Cold weather gear required in California?

Well, of course there’s a story…  The temperature in the mountains was 39oF, and the gray clouds concealed the mountaintops; when we left El Centro it was a brisk 65oF.  On the ride down, there was freezing rain off and on, just enough to soak through my clothes. While the rain was taking a break a coyote crossed the road just in front of me.  Reminding me of a dream/nightmare I had a couple of nights ago… a pack of coyotes chasing me on my bike – glad that did not happen. 

Not a lot of tree, but yucca &sage

Amazing, boulders in piles,  like pebbles on the beach!

2nd highest point on Olde Hwy 80

The route required that I ride down I-8 for a while, and warned of high winds for the next 18-miles.  I have never, ever experienced anything like this ride… I was going 41-mph before I passed the sign warning trucks of the steep grade and truck speed limit of 35 mph!  Moments later I came to a near stop because the wind had shifted to in front of me.  I was riding sideways, leaning into the wind… until it shifted or a bus/RV passed, then I’d get sucked toward their lane.  When there was a cut/gap in the mountains I had to stop riding and just hold on (to my bike, thinking heavy thoughts).  There were many times I felt as if I would be pushed over the edge or out into traffic or when standing/walking - lifted off my feet.  David followed me as much as he could, gave me a break once or twice by using the car to block some wind.  (Sorry, no pictures, survivial was the top thing on our minds)

The road ahead

Once I reached the bottom and the desert open up around, I was able to ride nearly 20-miles without peddling… the wind was blowing me down the road – Bike sailing!  This cycling East is way easier!  There’s no way I could have ridden west today.  The wind is predicted to be blowing again tomorrow.

Hay Barn in California
 Stayed in the El Centro again tonight, same hotel, same room.

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